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what's the purpose of latest downloads such as OXSC181026.zip

Started by Chris Chancellor, October 27, 2018, 04:18:22 PM

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Chris Chancellor

Hello Charles

in your O2 download link https://github.com/Charles-Pegge/OxygenBasic

there are many downloadable files ranging from OXSC181003.zip   to  OXSC181026.zip
what are these for ?

shall i just stick to OxygenBasicProgress.zip  only as i presumed that  those  OXSC1810xx.zip 
are just temporary progress files ? 

Charles Pegge

Hi Chris,

The OXSC files are self-compile backups. If I break the self-compile genetics, or all my memory sticks get taken by the gulls, they are my insurance :)

Paul Squires

Quote from: Charles Pegge on October 27, 2018, 07:16:02 PM
... or all my memory sticks get taken by the gulls, they are my insurance :)
LOL, we have a lot of gulls here in Newfoundland as well :)  I'll have to take a lesson from you to ensure those birds keep their grubby little paws off my code.
Paul Squires
FireFly Visual Designer SQLitening Database System JellyFish Pro Editor

Charles Pegge

Every Spring, the gulls and the crows have a mid-air screeching contest to decide who owns the village. It only lasts about ten minutes, and the deal is done.

Chris Chancellor

Thanxx a lot  Charles ,  you had done a good job, i greatly appreciate your efforts

i bet i'm not one of those gulls or crows as i'm only a beginner programmer

Eduardo Jorge

I have been following the progress of O2 from afar to see if it gives a stabilized, and also to see the updates in the syntax of the arrays that is what I use the most, is practically all I know to use, loops in arrays with a lot of if s

Chris Chancellor

welcome back Eduardo

this O2 is so powerful now especially in the 64bit basic programming arena that i will be translating
many PB programs over to O2 and encourage more users to join us

i will be placing more example programs into this forum

BTW, you should also read the new documentations on O2 by sir Jose Roca