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wrong computation result when dividing two integers in C/C++

Started by Patrice Terrier, May 04, 2013, 08:13:41 PM

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Patrice Terrier

I know C/C++ is doing optimization based on the native type of numbers, but there is something i couldn't find how to let it work like in PB.

UINT u1 = 71, u2 = 10;
float result = u1 / u2
(the result here is 7, because both u1 and u2 are unsigned integers)

now using
float result = (float) u1 / u2 (the result becomes 7.09999, because u1 has been casted first to float)

when i would like to get 7.1 just like in PB.

if i use
float result = 71.0f / 10.0f then the result is good: 7.1

What should i do to solve this problem?

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Anand Kumar

This should do the trick...

unsigned int a = 71, b = 10;
float c = 0;
c = (float) a / (float) b;

John Spikowski

ScriptBasic is written in C and seems to return the correct results.

PRINT 71/10,"\n"

jrs@laptop:~/sb/sb22/test$ scriba divint.sb

Patrice Terrier


I am speaking of VS2010 C/C++, i am not concerned with any other exotic.

Anand --

Your syntax does exactly the same that what i am using, and the result is 7.099999 not 7.1 (like with PB).

To convert the float into a string to show it on screen, i am forced to use
swprintf(ws, sizeof(ws), L"%3f", floatnumber)
instead of using
_ltow_s(floatnumber, ws, 10)

in PB i can write STR$(U1 / U2) and display correctly the result 7.1, without extra brain storming.

I did try using:
float result = (u1 / (float)u2) + 0.000001f;
but that is just a kind of joke, and couldn't be used in real programming.

Try this: c = (float) (u1 / (float) (U2*100)) *100;
and you should get 7.1000004, that is more close to what i want.

That is typical of rounding error.
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Charles Pegge

Hi Patrice,

I tested this expression in OxygenBasic and saw the same rounding error that you saw.

Even when the variables are upgraded to double, there is still a rounding error. However when using Extended (80 bit) floats the answer resolved to 7.1.

One possible solution is to hide the rounding error by displaying formatted numbers with a restricted number of decimal places :)

Patrice Terrier

Yes, this is what i am doing with the STR$ function below, but that is the kind of thing hard to guess when you move from one language to another  8)

wstring STRF$(IN float N) {
    WCHAR ws[33] = {0};
    swprintf(ws, sizeof(ws), L"%3f", N);
    return (WCHAR*) ws;

By the way i shall convert my zTrace utility to let it work in 64-bit, to help me in further debugging of 64-bit code.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Charles Pegge

Where precision matters: does VC10 support long double?

Patrice Terrier

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Anand Kumar


When I try this,

   unsigned int a = 71, b = 10;
   float c = 0;
   c = (float) a / (float) b;
   if (c == 7.1f) printf ("yes %f", c); else printf ("no %f", c);
   getch ();

My results are  (both in release as well as in debug mode)

yes 7.100000

PS: I am using VS 2008...

Patrice Terrier

Yes it seems that it does work as soon as one of the UINT member is casted to float, like this
wprintf(L"%f", a / (float) b);

note: better to use wprintf Unicode nowdays, rather than old Ansi printf.  :)

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)