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Any news from Phoenix 3?

Started by Peter Weis, November 04, 2011, 08:16:51 PM

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Peter Weis

Hi Theo,
would appreciate more Phoenix 3.0. Although I also FireFly. Prefer to work with Phoenix.

But the faith because nothing works! With the advancement of Phoenix!  :(

regards Peter

Theo Gottwald

FF 3.5 is here and its all you will need for 95% of most normal tasks.
There are special tasks which can be done using EZGUI and when Ph 3 is out, I'll take a look.

As a german i should get it for free, because it comes from South Europe, which we have already bought and paid completely with out Euro billions, including Greece, Italy and Spain.  ;D

José Roca

1.- Dominic lives in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

2.- The only German euros that we have seen in Spain are the ones spent by tourists.

Peter Weis

Oh Jose,
Dominic knows only Canadian dollars. But you already know €, right?  ;)

regards Peter

José Roca

Quote from: Peter Weis on November 05, 2011, 06:58:06 PM
Oh Jose,
Dominic knows only Canadian dollars. But you already know €, right?  ;)

regards Peter

Yes, but all the euros that I have have been earned and coined/printed in Spain.

Peter Weis

Hello Jose,
Who cares where the euros come from. I'm glad that we have them!

We had better think again to the program! Anyway we are the last generation is programmed with PowerBASIC!

regards Peter

Theo Gottwald

Hehe, Jose you have really earned the euros.

In fact the people are not the problem, from wherever they are.
Its the bankers.
They made them take large credits knowing they will never be able to pay them back ever.

We'll see how things happen.

Many normal german people will take a look on their taxes bill and believe they have an at least 30% ownership on southern europe.
While they have just an ownership on papers without any long term value (called EURO).

It's like you go to the fuel station.
You get the bill for the fuel and you ask the man in the fuel-station

QuoteHow many % of this fuel station is now mine?

Finally last week there was an discussion if we should not give the german gold reserves to the bankers.
The problem about it is, that we do not have any of these in germany.

After the war the US Soldiers took them to USA and we should not to believe they will ever give them back.

Eros Olmi

Quote from: Theo Gottwald on November 05, 2011, 09:12:08 AM
As a german i should get it for free, because it comes from South Europe, which we have already bought and paid completely with out Euro billions, including Greece, Italy and Spain.  ;D

Yes, that's true, but you are just giving us back the exchange rate we had to pay to convert 1 mark into 1 euro in 2001  >:(
And more: german and french banks are full of bonds from Greece not other countries.

So ... you are saving us to save you.

PS: it is also true that our prime minister (I'm from Italy) is someone I would not like to have around unless there is a party  :-X
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José Roca

Theo, I don't know how you can be so misinformed. The economic problems that we have in Spain have been caused by the property bubble, not the public debt, which is lower than yours. In 2010, Spain's public debt (60.1% of GDP) was significantly lower than that of Greece (142.8%), Italy (119%), Belgium (100%), Portugal (93%), Ireland (96.2), Germany (83.2%), France (81.7%) and the United Kingdom (80.0%).

It is obviously very easy to put the blame on the European South for everything. Employees in the South, according to Ms. Merkel, work less and retire earlier (which was statistically proven to be a blatant lie); Spanish creative minds are encouraged to come and work in Germany (thus encouraging an already alarming brain-drain); Greeks should sell some of their islands to repay their debts, reminding people how Germany once occupied and destroyed those same islands. Even the Spanish cucumbers were accused of a crime they never committed.

This arrogance has already seriously damaged the reputation of Germany. Merkel's policies have been catastrophic because she "doesn't know how to use her power for the common good and submits to the dictates of the moment," sums up the Tagesspiegel. http://www.tagesspiegel.de/zeitung/sein-europa/4403200.html

After the war the US Soldiers took them to USA and we should not to believe they will ever give them back.

Do you mean the gold that the Nazis had looted from occupied countries?

At the Paris Reparations Conference held in late 1945, the representatives of 18 Allied nations devised an agreement for extracting reparations from Germany. The conferees decided that monetary gold captured in Germany, since it amounted to far less than all the gold looted from the German-occupied nations and was, moreover, mostly unidentifiable as to origin, should be pooled and distributed to the claimant countries according to their losses. As with other forms of reparations, the gold in this "gold pool" was to be distributed only to national governments, which were responsible for addressing the needs of their individual citizens.

The Disposition of SS-Looted Victim Gold During and After World War II

Peter Weis

Hi Jose,

We Germans have no gold stolen from Spain! We have just helped Franco with the Condor, he comes to power! Theo said, probably with gold, the knowledge and technology that came to America after the war.

regards Peter

José Roca

We Germans have no gold stolen from Spain!

Nobody has said it.

Mike Stefanik

Quote from: José Roca on November 07, 2011, 07:25:12 PM
This arrogance has already seriously damaged the reputation of Germany. Merkel’s policies have been catastrophic because she “doesn’t know how to use her power for the common good and submits to the dictates of the moment,” sums up the Tagesspiegel. http://www.tagesspiegel.de/zeitung/sein-europa/4403200.html

This is probably why she's popular amongst the political class here in the United States, she's basically like every other American politician who takes a fairly narrow view of what is good for their own political ambitions, and those of their party, and they don't concern themselves with the "big picture". Their long-term thinking doesn't extend beyond the issues of the next election cycle and what their current position is in the body politic. This isn't a left vs. right, liberal vs. conserative issue here; our politics have been so thoroughly corrupted by money (sanctioned by our Supreme Court, no less) and the influence of political lobbiests, we find ourselves searching Diogenes-like for that one "honest politician" and become more and more disillusioned and cynical as it's clear that such a thing doesn't actually exist.
Mike Stefanik

Theo Gottwald

QuoteThis is probably why she's popular amongst the political class here in the United States, she's basically like every other American politician

There may be more reasons for that. 80% of our actual politicians act as if they are direct Obama employees.
Which is like that since after the last lost war (ok, not counting Afghanistan now).

Just take a look on how germany votes in the UN if its abount the palestinian rights for an own state.
We just copy our "Mainland" (USA). Even if its stupid we take part in their oil wars.
If they will soon strike Iran, we'll also march with the americans like an stupid dog following his master anywhere.

No war can be too crazy to not follow the US there.

And if we talk about culture, germany is 100% americanized. We are even more american then the americans themselves.
Just any radio station will proof me right.

If you want to sell a product in germany, it must have an english name. Or it won't sell. It will just not be modern.
People will not buy it. On the other side you can sell anything if you give it the right english name.
Even for 4 times the regulat price  ;D

After all i believe we should be allowed to also vote the US president, because in fact we are like a new US state without the voting right, actually.

Frederick J. Harris

If you want to sell a product in germany, it must have an english name.

Sometimes that works both ways.  Here some time back a car manufacturer (was it Volkswagon?) in the US was using an advertising slogan of 'Fahrenvergnugen' to describe the pleasure one would receive by driving one of their cars! :)

Carlo Pagani

And we are no closer to the answer - Any news from Phoenix 3?