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Windows API Headers III v. 1.07

Started by José Roca, August 23, 2015, 06:05:27 PM

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José Roca

This project is an effort to translate the C headers of the Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows to PowerBASIC™. This version has been updated using the SDK for Windows 7.1.

These headers are freeware, not public domain. This means that you can use them for your own purposes, even in commercial applications, without paying a fee, but not to make derivative works from, sell or redistribute without permission. Also you must assume the entire risk of using them. Downloading the software indicates that you accept these terms.

Because of the use of new data types only available in PNWIN 10.0+ and PBCC 6.0+ and other features, they can only be used with the new compilers.

You must also be aware that these headers are not extensions to the ones provided with the compiler, but a full replacement. Therefore, you must not mix them with the PowerBASIC include files in any way, neither directly (via #INCLUDE), nor indirectly (via the include path in the IDE).

Unzip the attached file to a folder of your choice and replace the PB Include path in the PB Ide or the editor that you are using to that folder instead of C:\PBWin10\WinApi.

The wrapper functions for the Common Controls have been removed from CommCtrl.inc and placed in the following individual files. Therefore, the use of constants such %NOTOOLBAR, %NOUPDOWN, etc., is no longer needed. Just #INCLUDE the wanted files in your application.

AnimateCtrl.inc (Animation control)
ButtonCtrl.inc (Button control)
ComboBoxCtrl.inc (ComboBox control)
ComboBoxExCtrl.inc (ComboBoxEx control)
DateTimeCtrl.inc (Date Time control)
EditCtrl.inc (Edit control)
HeaderCtrl.inc (Header control)
HotKeyCtrl.inc (Hot Key control)
IPAddressCtrl.inc (IP Address control)
ListBoxCtrl.inc (ListBox control)
ListViewCtrl.inc (ListView control)
MonthCalCtrl.inc (Month Calendar control)
PagerCtrl.inc (Pager control)
ProgressBarCtrl.inc (Progress Bar control)
RebarCtrl.inc (Rebar control)
RichEditCtrl.inc (Rich Edit control)
ScrollBarCtrl.inc (Scroll Bar control)
StaticCtrl.inc (Static control)
StatusbarCtrl.inc (Status Bar control)
SysLinkCtrl.inc (SysLink control)
TabCtrl.inc (Tab control)
TaskDialogCtrl.inc (Task Dialog control)
ToolbarCtrl.inc (Toolbar control)
TrackbarCtrl.inc (Track Bar control)
TreeViewCtrl.inc (TreeView control)
UpDownCtrl.inc (UpDown control)

There are 1,201 files using 78,555,444 bytes.

José Roca

What is new in this version?

Changed the lplpUnk parameter to BYREF and the lpPageClsID parameter to BYVAL GUID PTR.

Typo in the RightGUI member of the HIDP_KEYBOARD_MOFIDIER_UNION_STRUCT structure.

Changed alignment of the FP structure from DWORD to QWORD FILL.
Added the WORD specifier to some equates.
Thanks to Holger Taschenberger for reporting it.

Function ltow_s_ CHanged parameter sizeofStr from BYREF to BYVAL.

Added checking to no perform zooming if the browser is IE6 or below.

Added some new matrix methods provided by Larry Charlton.

Spelling error in RichEdit_LineFromChar. Thanks to Gary Beene for reporting it.

Added support for the unexported ImageList_SetColorTable function.

Updated FreeImage.inc to version 3.17.

Updated Scintilla to version 3.54

Forgot to say: also replaced the GetRValue, GetGValue and GetBValue macros with functions because of a compiler issue.

See: http://www.powerbasic.com/support/pb...ad.php?t=59664

Darrell Price

Many thanks, Jose!

Carlo Pagani

Hi José

Adding my thanks again for your work on the include files - For your next edit the WINSVC.INI needs a few of $ prefixes



José Roca

Thanks for spotting it. I have modified that include file.

Ron Allen


Thank you very much for all your hard work!
