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Windows API Headers III v.1.04

Started by José Roca, August 03, 2012, 09:28:30 PM

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José Roca

This project is an effort to translate the C headers of the Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows to PowerBASIC™. This version has been updated using the SDK for Windows 7.1.

These headers are freeware, not public domain. This means that you can use them for your own purposes, even in commercial applications, without paying a fee, but not to make derivative works from, sell or redistribute without permission. Also you must assume the entire risk of using them. Downloading the software indicates that you accept these terms.

Because of the use of new data types only available in PNWIN 10.0+ and PBCC 6.0+ and other features, they can only be used with the new compilers.

You must also be aware that these headers are not extensions to the ones provided with the compiler, but a full replacement. Therefore, you must not mix them with the PowerBASIC include files in any way, neither directly (via #INCLUDE), nor indirectly (via the include path in the IDE).

Unzip the attached file to a folder of your choice and replace the PB Include path in the PB Ide or the editor that you are using to that folder instead of C:\PBWin10\WinApi.

The wrapper functions for the Common Controls have been removed from CommCtrl.inc and placed in the following individual files. Therefore, the use of constants such %NOTOOLBAR, %NOUPDOWN, etc., is no longer needed. Just #INCLUDE the wanted files in your application.

AnimateCtrl.inc (Animation control)
ButtonCtrl.inc (Button control)
ComboBoxCtrl.inc (ComboBox control)
ComboBoxExCtrl.inc (ComboBoxEx control)
DateTimeCtrl.inc (Date Time control)
EditCtrl.inc (Edit control)
HeaderCtrl.inc (Header control)
HotKeyCtrl.inc (Hot Key control)
IPAddressCtrl.inc (IP Address control)
ListBoxCtrl.inc (ListBox control)
ListViewCtrl.inc (ListView control)
MonthCalCtrl.inc (Month Calendar control)
PagerCtrl.inc (Pager control)
ProgressBarCtrl.inc (Progress Bar control)
RebarCtrl.inc (Rebar control)
RichEditCtrl.inc (Rich Edit control)
ScrollBarCtrl.inc (Scroll Bar control)
StaticCtrl.inc (Static control)
StatusbarCtrl.inc (Status Bar control)
SysLinkCtrl.inc (SysLink control)
TabCtrl.inc (Tab control)
TaskDialogCtrl.inc (Task Dialog control)
ToolbarCtrl.inc (Toolbar control)
TrackbarCtrl.inc (Track Bar control)
TreeViewCtrl.inc (TreeView control)
UpDownCtrl.inc (UpDown control)

There are 1,200 files using 78,079,357 bytes.

José Roca

Help file for the main classes and wrapper functions available in the version 3.1.04 of the Windows API Headers for PBWin 10+ and PBCC 6+.

José Roca

What is new?

New functions:


New classes:



CAfxProtableDevices.inc file changed to CAfxPortableDevices.inc
CWindow_InputBox: Added optional parameter bPassword.
SciLexer.inc, Scintilla.inc and SciCtrl.inc updated to version 3.2.0.

Pierre Bellisle

Petr Schreiber

Thank you José,

I would only add that this update contains very important fix to glext.inc and cglext.inc, which corrects a problem with glShaderSource.

AMD Sempron 3400+ | 1GB RAM @ 533MHz | GeForce 6200 / GeForce 9500GT | 32bit Windows XP SP3


Peter Weis

Hello Jose,

thank you for change variable iImageList in include ListViewCtrl.inc

regards Peter

Theo Gottwald

Great additions, Jose. Even there is an E-Mail Class now.

David Warner

Francisco Castanedo

Eddy Larsson

Tsai Ji Fong

Thanks José

best regards,
tsai ji fong

Gary Beene

My thanks as well!  Jose, your dedication to helping the entire PowerBASIC community is just amazing and very much appreciated!

Ever since I understood the value of your work, I've been in a dilemma on what includes to use in the code I post in the forums.  I don't know for sure, but I've always figured that most of the folks in the forums have stuck with the PowerBASIC includes - mostly because they are comfortable that those headers will work best with their PowerBASIC code.  Since my own code has mostly been intended to help folks on the forums, I stuck with the PowerBASIC includes.

When PowerBASIC recently gave you your own corner at the PowerBASIC site, I think it was a great step towards making your includes the first choice in includes for PowerBASIC programmers.  And with all of the features that you continue to add to your include files, features not available in the PowerBASIC includes,  it has become impossible for me to ignore the benefits of switching over.

So starting today, I'm switching over to your includes for all of my posted code and my apps. However late to the party I've been, count me on-board!

If you have any suggestions on how I can help promote your includes, feel free to speak up. I think aggressively putting the option in front of users - especially new users - will be doing them a service!

José Roca

The best way to promote them is to use them. My first goal was to give PBer's what C++ programmers have: a full set of headers to allow to use anything that Windows provide. I have a deep knowledge of the Windows API and COM, and the translations aren't quick and dirty ones or partial. I promised Bob a ton of wrappers if dead code removal was implemented. There are several help files available and thousands of examples. I'm providing full source code, not black boxes. Don't know what more can I do.